How to warm up and cool down


As a dance and fitness coach I believe warm up and cool down are extremely important not only to perform better when exercising but for our well-being and safety.

Let’s keep it simple tho! Lots of articles go into way to much detail about what is needed:) All you really need are a few minutes on each end of your workout to ensure you keep feeling awesome during and after your kick-ass workout.

Warm up should involve:

  1. Dynamic movement in different planes of motion to loosen up your joints and start to warm up your muscles. 
  2. Light cardio like marching or light jogging to increase body temperature and to get your heart rate up.
  3. Connection with your breath. 

Cool down comes after your workout is over and should involve:

  1. Slow, less intense movement like walking or a few yoga poses.
  2. Slow deep breaths to bring your heart rate down, supply your fatigued muscles with oxygen and bring you more mindfulness. 
  3. Static stretches for all the major muscle groups you used in your workout to help flush lactic acid (I show some basic yet effective stretches in the video).

Cool down helps you feel recovered and is a nice way to bring balance to the body and mind:)

On your journey to reaching your fitness and health goals, take care of your body, practice consistency, don’t skip your warm up or cool down and always do some light stretching:) SIMPLE.

Take care

