Light After the Darkness : Trusting the Universe


“She left the old story behind her and stepped into a new once upon a time.”

-Rebecca Campbell




As most of you know, this year I have faced some mental and physical challenges, and it’s only been in the past 1-2 months that I feel 100% healed. To my surprise, I have come out the other end happier and healthier than I have ever been! 
Life really is cyclical. When I was struggling with a parasite and gut issues last year, I found myself in a dark place. I was afraid of food, I lacked creativity and I felt out of control, even though I put on a brave face, only to cry myself to sleep later.
Luckily I knew that everything passes and if I could just keep showing up to my self-love practices, I would one day feel better.
I continued to meditate, journal, practice mindfulness and I did my best to stick to healthy foods. I stopped drinking alcohol and coffee, I did juice cleanses, and I napped everyday.
Slowly but surely I started to feel better. I found more things that made me happy, I realized that I was still doing a great job in life, I lightened up and started being more playful. Food became less scary and I started eating a more balanced diet.


AND NOW… I feel F***ing Amazing. WARRIOR GODDESS.

Honestly I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good. My gut health has never been better, my relationships with my friends and family has improved, my energy is sky high, and my brain—how do I put this—my brain works better than it ever has.


  • Consistency Mindset. There were many days when I really didn’t feel like meditating, going for a walk or gratitude journalling, but I did them anyways. I kept up my workouts, I kept up my self-care rituals and I kept showing up for myself the best way I could that day. We can’t let excuses be stronger than our dreams or goals. With consistency come results in anything we do, whether it’s gardening, handstands, or cooking healthy food. We need to show up and do your best.
  • Healthy Fats. When I was growing up I had a fear of fats because being a ballerina in the 90s meant that fat was Public Enemy #1. Then last year I picked up a parasite that turned into leaky gut. Fat was once again my nemesis. I could barely eat an avocado without major IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Now that my gut has healed, I have been doubling down on healthy fats and my life has changed. My brain has never been so nourished! I add MCT oil to my matcha lattes, I add chia, hemp hearts and walnuts to everything, I eat a full avocado without guilt, and gimme me all the almond butter. Yes I have gained 5 lbs since I started loving fat, BUT, I have never been happier. NEVER BEEN HAPPIER. Let that sink in if you still fear fat.
  • Sober Life. It’s been 9 months since I stopped drinking. I didn’t believe that I would ever write that. I am now living according to my core values and without all the guilt that came with the wine. Plus, alcohol is hard on our bodies and I feel much better without it. To read more about my desicion to give up alcohol here.
  • Carving out time for joy. I have been working less and playing more, but that doesn’t mean I am creating less. In the past, my brain was foggy and I worked from a fear of falling behind. Now, I sit down and write with passion and from the heart. The words come easily and from a deeper place. I go for swims in the ocean, I make time for friends, I read in the middle of the day, I play with my kids more. Carving out time for all this has allowed me to relax and feel like me again. 
  • Meditation. Yup, it’s still high on my list of things that make me the person I am today. I am excited to be sharing my love of meditation in upcoming workshops (listed below) and to be continuing my education around mindfulness and mediation this month with my second module of Meditation Teacher Training. 


I hope you get some ideas and inspiration from the practices that are working for me. Has there ever been a time when you felt lost, out of control, or disconnected from your true self? What strategies helped you get out of your slump? I would love to hear from you.