Brain and Beauty Smoothie


Who says you can’t have brains and beauty? In this Brain Beauty Smoothie, you get the best of both worlds!

For decades, the medical community has recommended dietary guidelines for many conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But it’s only just in the past few years that scientists are studying how our food choices affect our brains.
Our brain health is often overlooked as we pursue physique and wellness goals. For the month of March, I am focusing on BRAIN FOOD. 
The foods we choose and consume have the ability to protect your brain, generate new brain cells, improve brain development, cognitive function, mood and slow down the ageing process to lessen your risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

This brain and beauty smoothie is so nourishing for your brain and amazing for your skin as it packed with:

  • Healthy fats: walnuts, avocado
  • Brain food: walnuts and blueberries
  • Vitamins: orange and smoothie booster
  • Antioxidants: berries
  • Hydration: coconut water has electrolytes that help hydrate your cells.
  • Medicinal Mushrooms: Lions Mane is the number one supplement for boosting cognitive function and boosting your brain functions and health (optional but highly recommended).

Follow along on my Instagram this month to hear all about what foods and supplements I will be eating and using to boost my brain. Or if you want to dive even deeper sign up for FIT CLUB where we are learning all about the supplements, sharing recipes and talking brain food all month in depth. I’m already feeling some noticeable improvements from the small changes I’ve made!

Brain Beauty Smoothie


  • 1 orange
  • 1 cup of mixed berries 
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 walnuts
  • 1-2 cups of coconut water
  • 1 package of Pranin Smoothie booster *
  • 1 pack of Lions Mane *

*see below for a sweet discount and link to grab yourself some of these amazing products.


Blend all the ingredients in a high-speed blender and enjoy!!! You could add less coconut water and make this a smoothie bowl and top it with granola or banana. YUM!

If you’re interested in upgrading your smoothie game, Pranin Smoothie Boosters are back!
Use “benaturallyfit” to receive 20% off your purchase. Using this code helps support my brand and business so I thank you in advance:)
If you are interested in adding mushrooms and other adaptogens to your life, start with Four Sigmatic
use “benaturallyfit” to receive 10% off your purchase.