A Simple Morning Exercise to start your day with healing powers.


This post is dedicated to a simple morning exercise to start your day with healing powers! All you need is an open mind and 10 minutes and you can do amazing things.

If I look back to all the different things I have tried in my past, I realized that I’m a serial experimenter when it comes to healing modalities, foods and practices. 

Which is a good thing as it’s allowed me to find what works, and what doesn’t. What I love about this new era we are entering is that WE get to decide what resonates with us instead of following the societal rules. 

And I feel grateful to have this blog which acts as a platform for me to share what I’ve learned and my insights. Some of the things I do and love might not resonate with you and that’s the beautiful thing… at least you have the capacity to decide to take it or leave it. 

Now that I have a better understanding of how everything is just energy, I feel intuitively so much more connected to how I can raise my vibrations and activate my best self. With this knowledge, my life is more vibrant, my thoughts are more clear and my energy is pure and steady.

So where can you start to tune into this energy that is available to all of us?

I say the best time is in the morning:)


This morning practices not only wakes you up but it’s also accessible to everyone. It takes 5-10 minutes and sends a signal to the universe that you are ready to show up and be your best self. It also provides energy in before any energy goes out. #selfcare

  1. Start by finding a comfortable seated position and tune into your breath. Notice what comes up and acknowledge how you are feeling with compassion and grace. I like to listen to a mantra from my Spotify playlist called Mantras and Meditation.
  2. When you are settled in, begin breath of fire. This is when you inhale and exhale evenly with a strong rapid breath with mouth open or closed. 
  3. Continue breath of fire for 3-7 minutes.
  4. At the end of your session inhale and hold the breath for as long as you can without tensing up and keeping an open mind (think of opening your third eye to receive downloads from the universe) and then slowly exhale out.
  5. Now stretch your body with a few cat-cows and perhaps a downward dog. 
  6. Finish in child’s pose and rest here for 1 minute allowing your mind and body to soften.

Bonus points if you take a cold shower directly after this set for maximum, fast acting rejuvenation. I promise, you’ll feel like you can take on the world!

This set is detoxifying, energizing and so good for inviting abundance into your life. Remember everything is energy and your mind attracts in your future self. So it makes sense to start the day with a self-care, awakening practice like this!

If you’d like to know more about healing practices, make sure you sign up for my new fall program; Be Your Own Healer, starting Sept 10.