Honouring our highs and lows.


Honouring our highs and lows

Mindfulness teaches us to be inquisitive about our feelings. Why am I feeling so good right now? What made me feel this way? And on the flip side, what set me off? What brought up fear or anxiety?

I have been on Denman Island for over a week now and I have finally found space to reflect on my past year. I have been wondering why I fell into a slump this past winter. Why did things go so dark?

Recently, I heard this on my favourite podcast: 

We are cyclic beings living in a cyclic world and we are not made to bloom (rise) all year round. And, the greatest rising (blooming) comes after the most significant falls (letting go/releasing). The seasons teach us how to rise each and every year. If we do not honour that process and attempt to stay blooming all year round, holding onto our leaves tightly, come spring, there will be no space for the new to bloom.”  –Rebecca Campbell

Honestly did she write that just for me? That’s how it felt. We are all on our own journey and constantly evolving with life’s natural cycles. We are not meant to bloom all year round. We must live through the darkness to appreciate the light.

When I live in alignment with my natural rhythms, I am more:

  • Productive
  • Creative
  • Positive
  • Energetic
  • Patient

I no longer rush through things but instead ease into the moment because when I slow down, I actually get there faster. 

Here are some ways to bring yourself back into alignment and feel more at peace:

  1. Spend time alone in nature. Hug a tree, dip your toes in the ocean, go for a mindful walk or just sit quietly outside and listen to the birds sing.
  2. Sleep when you’re tired. Nap, go to bed early and wake up when you wake up.
  3. Work when you feel creative, rest when you don’t.
  4. Eat when you’re hungry and listen to your body’s cravings. Eat mindfully and chew your food!
  5. Move your body in ways that bring you joy. Maybe that’s a hike, a yoga class playing tennis or swimming in the ocean.
  6. Spend some time in mediation every single day.
  7. End your day with gratitude.

While summer is still with us, take time to slow down and create space for your own personal evolution.

The Power Project

Once the kids are back in school and things are ramping up in your busy life, think about joining my new program, THE POWER PROJECT: 12 weeks to a Healthier Life. The Power Project is a 12-week transformational program that focuses on my three pillars of health: FITNESS, NUTRITION and MINDSET. I will guide you through your own personal transformation to living a more empowered, happier life. This is what I love to do! I know that rising up and reclaiming your health and happiness takes courage and commitment and I know I can help you with both:)

The program starts on September 11 and you can sign up here ->THE POWER PROJECT

